Pipes and fittings for internal sewage systems Pipes 32 PRO AQUA Comfort Pipes 40 PRO AQUA Comfort Pipes 50 PRO AQUA Comfort Pipes 110 PRO AQUA Comfort Pipes 125 PRO AQUA Comfort Bend 15° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend 30° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend 45° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend 67° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend with outlet, left 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend with outlet, right 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend with outlet, straight 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend with outlet, frontal 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend with outlet, left 45° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend with outlet, right 45° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend with outlet, left and right 45° PRO AQUA Comfort Bend, rotary universal PRO AQUA Comfort Tee 45° PRO AQUA Comfort Tee 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Tee reducer 45° PRO AQUA Comfort Tee reducer 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Eccentric reducer PRO AQUA Comfort Eccentric short reducer PRO AQUA Comfort Plug PRO AQUA Comfort Repair coupling PRO AQUA Comfort Double-socket coupling PRO AQUA Comfort Cleanout PRO AQUA Comfort Expansion tube PRO AQUA Comfort Single-plane crosspiece 45° PRO AQUA Comfort Single-plane crosspiece 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Single-plane reducing crosspiece 87,5° PRO AQUA Comfort Two-plane crosspiece PRO AQUA Comfort Two-plane crosspiece, left PRO AQUA Comfort Two-plane crosspiece, right PRO AQUA Comfort Two-plane crosspiece, left and right (five-bend piece) PRO AQUA Comfort Reducer to the cast iron pipe PRO AQUA Comfort Check valve PRO AQUA Comfort Vacuum valve PRO AQUA Comfort Deflector PRO AQUA Comfort Clamp PRO AQUA Comfort